Friday, June 5, 2009

My 4000 mile trip with Diane

It is so worth it to get OLD! I remember the hectic days of raising 9 kids and all the chaos that goes with it. For anyone with kids no matter how many, you know the "process" of raising them is mundane, tedious, rewarding, repetitive, challenging, heartbreaking, stressful, sometimes hopeless with a bit of joy and rejoicing in there at odd times.
I remember during one of my more stressful days, I was griping about this and that and at the end of my tirade I said, "One of these days when you are all grown, you will call the house asking for MOM and I will off someplace traveling! That time has come.
In the past ten years I have been to Israel, Peru, Mexico twice, Maui, and next week to Switzerland. I love new things and new adventures and now I have the time to indulge.
The picture is of me and my best friend Diane. We spent two weeks going to:
Williamsburg VA-----------------Jamestown VA
Mt Vernon VA-------------------Washington DC
Niagra Falls NY------------------Palmyra NY
Kirtland Ohio--------------------Nauvoo ILL
Denver CO----------------------SLC
We had fun seeing all the Chruch History Sites and the History of our Country. We talked until our jaws hurt.
For those of you still raising your families, do the best job you can so you have no regrets and remember, this too shall pass. Then you will have time for yourselves.
I love you all and think of you often. Kiss those babies for me and I will see you when I get back.
Who needs Switzerland chocolate?


Holly Hoffman Spears said...

so cute! thanks for the inspiration! :)

i'm so glad you get to travel. you deserve it!!!

and you know i want some chocolate! :)

Nelson fam said...

So you practically drove right past my house (especially if you drove up the 95). Next time you will have to come say hi :-)