Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cousins Movie Day

For quite a few years now Grandma and Grandpa have decided that instead of buying all of the grandkids presents that they would take them all to a movie in theatres and then to lunch afterwards. This year we went to see The Princess and the Frog and 18 of the 25 grandkids were in attendance. (we miss you Tyler, Lanae, Sasha, Coleman, Josh, Alia and Sawyer) to have them all there was a lot of fun and we even had some dancing to the music... (gabi)

Afterwards we all went to taco bell and had lunch. you can imagine what they thought when 27 or so people showed up for lunch. we took up half of the seating area.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!


Sabrina said...

Yeah Thanks. We had fun even though Leo didnt watch it